As Kristy Schnabel reports for It’s Virtually Done:

Social Media Exam­iner is the largest online social media mag­a­zine. At their event — Social Media Mar­ket­ing World (#SMMW15) — they promised that we would ‘rub shoul­ders with the biggest names and brands in social media, soak up count­less tips and new strate­gies and enjoy exten­sive net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in San Diego, California.’ Founder and CEO Michael Stelzner deliv­ered and then some! With his able team of hun­dreds and the spec­tac­u­lar venue the Grand Hyatt, Team #SMMW15 gave us an unfor­get­table, stel­lar event shar­ing amaz­ing con­tent that we can all imme­di­ately imple­ment. Oh, and there was a ton of fun too.”

Click the link above to read Schnabel’s social media marketing lessons.

Below is an infographic prepared by that summarizes Schnable’s 25 key points.

15 Replies to “An Infographic Look at Social Media Marketing in 2015”

  1. Social Media Marketing World has provided the rest of us with some great tips. The 25 strategies in the infographic will become very helpful to all industries. Since technology is now in the hands of all individuals, young and old, social media has become a part of daily life. By being personal and frequent, and with the use of video and images, integrating marketing strategies into these applications will efficiently serve companies and their profits.
    (10th blog comment, MKT 101 MW 2:55-4:20)

  2. The number one point from this article is that Pintrest is going to be the new Google. Maybe I am a little behind the curve but I do not use Pintrest and don’t know anyone that really does. Another surprising point was “selfie sticks rock” I felt that this sheds much light on the direction in which our society is moving.

  3. If these tips are coming from a large convention like “Social Media Marketing World,” then it must be true. Just looking at these tips myself, I can verify this information to be true. The evolution of marketing is happening and companies are beginning to adapt quite well. If a new business is struggling to compete with other established brands, then it should refer to these ideas because it will most likely help!

  4. This infographic was really interesting. I never noticed just how much the social media that I consume would affect businesses directly. The fact that expert social media analysts are predicting that Pinterest will become the new Google shocked me. I’m not a user of Pinterest myself, but I do know people that are avid users. I do think that it will take a lot of time before it is able to replace Google though.

  5. As the marketing and PR manager for the new rock band Van Vega, I know how important and accurate these tips are. Although I do not know how effective marketing/using Pinterest would be for rock band promotion, I am sure of the great effect that marketing on all other social media platforms has. Through using Facebook and Twitter, we are able to connect with current fans, reach more fans, and also connect with venues and other performers.

  6. Pinterest is the new Google? I don’t think so… Based on the report from Pinterest itself, 80% of its users are female, and approximately 92% pins on Pinterest were made by women. It definitely doesn’t be charm enough to attract most of the people as Google, besides, the most fastest growing social media is Instagram, which has a user base across all age groups, both male and female. At least in my class, I know almost everyone’s on Instagram, but only 2 or 3 use Pinterest.

  7. It was fun to read the 25 strategies. I learned some, agree with some, and disagree with the rest. I do believe that images, mobile application, podcast, and being true and personal are important. However, I don’t believe that Pinterest will be the new Google and I think self stick is just a trend. But overall, I think if you follow all 25 strategies, you have more to gain than lose when it comes to social marketing.

  8. Marketing has evolved overtime, this companies having good feedback as a result of that. Just reading these tips, I can tell this information to be true. Either a new business or small business can benefit from these tips when trying to compete with other successful brands getting their name out there. Taking consideration to these tips will help greatly!

  9. wow,this post is very interesting, it is fun to reading and get a lot of idea from this post. but I am really doubt that the pinterest is going to be the new Google, actually, I just know the pinterest a week ago. but I am very agree with for the rest contents, the images is becoming important than the words and the focusing on the “phone”

  10. The 25 “strategies” includes some of “tips” that I have already known, like “use mobile”, picture is important, and be yourself in posting and etc. However, I am really shocked by “Pinterest” is going to be the new Google”. I didn’t hear about Pinterest until half year ago, and it is going to be the new Google? I thought Instagram was the new one. Guess I’m falling behind again.

  11. This article shows the new trend in the social media marketing in 2015. I am surprised to find that the Pinterest going to be the new google for the future. Talking about the social media tools, people alway think the Google + is the social media every company will adopt , however , in nowadays , the Pinterest has been a tool for every company will adopts first. I find many companies use the Pinterest instead of Google+.

  12. These strategies from social media market world really think that facebook is the “go-to” for mobile marketing, and I have to agree. With over 700 million daily users, a company is definitely going to have a better chance to reach its target market. As far as pinterest becoming the new google, I’d have to disagree. Google has build up such a name for itself and it definitely has not lost its touch. Very few companies have been able to add their name to the dictionary, like Google has. I do feel that companies should be focusing on social media marketing a lot more, especially in today’s day in age.

  13. It is interesting to read that Pintrest is going to be the new Google, personally I only used Pintrest for a couple weeks before getting bored and moving on to something else but it seems that others are staying interested in it. In today’s world, social media is so important in marketing. Almost everyone in the world has some sort of social media where they share and look at what people are posting.

  14. As a Public Relations major is interesting to see the different uses of social media in different fields. While I agree with the graph in some respects I disagree in others. Yes While I think having a company facebook pages is imperative, I think facebook is a social media site of the past and companies need to turn to the up and coming social media sites like twitter if they want to get and stay at the top of the social media world.

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