Looking for a career with a lot of long-term potential? Then, consider a career path in the management and/or marketing of the digital arena. This field is exploding across industries and around the globe.

In recent years, many companies worldwide have created a new senior job description — Chief Digital Officer (CDO). This is another entry in the alphabet soup of executive positions, which already include CEO, CFO, CMO,  and many more acronyms.

As reported by eMarketer:

“In a report released in May 2015, The CDO Club estimated that the number of CDOs worldwide would double between 2014 and 2015, from 1,000 to 2,000. This was more than four times that of the 488 registered in 2013, and almost 800% more than 2012’s 225.”

“The analysis found that the CDO role was spreading globally. While North America boasted 88% of CDOs worldwide in 2013, its share dropped to 68% last year. This was due largely to a surge in Europe, which expanded its proportion from 7% to 23%. Asia-Pacific was up slightly, from 4% to 6% of CDOs globally, while India and the Middle East rose from 1% to 2% and Latin America joined the playing field with the remaining 1%.”

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