Last year, we wrote a two-part series on changing careers. Click to read them. Changing Your Career – Part One. And Changing Your Career – Part Two. Now, we look at when Is the right time to leave a job.


From Bootcamp Rankings: When Is the Right Time to Leave a Job

The material that follows is provided by Kevin Flores, Senior Editor,

When choosing the right career path, we can all make mistakes, whether you chose the wrong job or the wrong career. However, the worst thing you can do is torture yourself for that decision. Being a career changer is already hard enough. You shouldn’t compound it by being depressed. Think about this as an opportunity to grow and become a better professional.

When Is the Right Time to Leave a Job

The first step to becoming a career changer is to identify your problem: are you really in the wrong job? We’ve created this guide to show you some of the most common reasons to leave your job

You’ve Lost Your Passion

When you’re a beginner, you’re probably very enthusiastic about your professional life and your career in general. But what if you no longer feel this way? Don’t panic. Usually, when we start getting experience in our profession, we become less enthusiastic. However, it doesn’t mean you necessarily lose motivation.

If you ever feel that there’s nothing that gets you up in the morning and you no longer feel passionate about your job, it may be good to leave. This is a significant warning sign that tells you it is time for a career change.

Your Boss Is the Problem

According to a StackOverflow survey, one of the most common reasons to leave a job is having a toxic work environment. Maybe you have issues with your coworkers or even a direct manager, but the situation is worse when your boss is the problem. Who is going to protect you?

When you have problems with a coworker, you can let your boss know about the situation. BUT, there’s only one way out when you have an abusive boss. Bad bosses are usually overly negative and never pleased with your job regardless of your efforts.

The Greener Grass Issue

That occurs when you’re not happy with your situation, and you admire others’ lives. This could happen to you if you’re constantly researching new jobs regardless of already having one. You might also ask your friends about their jobs and their benefits. 

If this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to find that dream job and go for it. People who are going through this situation are usually distracted and less productive at work. 

You’re Not Growing

Almost everyone has a professional dream. They want to grow and be successful. Yet, this is not usually the case for everyone. Some people spend years at a particular company because they think that somehow it will pay off and they’ll be promoted. But this never happens. 

We’re not saying that experience isn’t valued enough in most companies, but some companies don’t invest in their employees’ career advancement. If this happens to you, think about your value and all the things you can do to succeed. Then, if you don’t see any reason to stay, it’s time to switch jobs.

Your Salary Is Low

People usually romanticize about the idea of money. And they say things like, “money isn’t that relevant. The important thing is that you feel happy”. But we all know we don’t live out of emotions. We all need to survive and feel financially successful. Although happiness is essential, it’s also necessary to have adequate compensation for your job. 

You can talk to your employer about the situation and see if you can have a salary increase. But don’t ignore your feelings if he/she rejects your request. If you don’t have fair compensation, then you’re not in the right place. 

You’re Putting Your Health at Risk

Finally, another thing you should consider is whether you’re putting your health at risk in your job or not. Many people believe this is only about physical danger. However, it also involves your mental health. If you’re spending too many hours at work and constantly feeling stressed or anxious, don’t continue risking your health. 


The most important thing is identifying your symptoms and seeing if you’re actually in the wrong place. Once you’ve evaluated this and notice you have some of these warning signs, it’s time to decide whether you’d like to stay or leave.


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