Over the past few years, we presented 45 articles relate to influencers. To complement these discussions, we now look at devising influencer marketing campaigns.

To review, what is influencer marketing? According to Lee Oden (CEO of TopRank Marketing):

What does ‘influencer marketing’ mean to you? Are you thinking of celebrities posting product photos to Instagram? Or having a famous YouTuber run a contest for a meet and greet at an event? Why not send products to bloggers in the hopes that they’ll do a review and say nice things? Surely that’s not all enterprise marketers think of when it comes to the possible outcomes with influencer relationships.”

“The promise of brands collaborating or outright paying influential individuals to create content that lifts the brand’s credibility and reach to sell more products is something that companies of all sizes have been hot on. With a groundswell of interest, we see divergent interpretations of what influencer marketing really means.”


A Visual Guide to Devising Influencer Marketing Campaigns

In order to better use influencer marketing, we need to enhance marketing campaigns.

From Sorilbran, writing for the Shelf, comes this good advice:

If your influencer marketing campaigns aren’t working, the problem most likely results from building a campaign that’s not structured to deliver the proper outcomes. Most marketing teams have no idea when they plan an influencer campaign that three different types of campaigns exist.

    1. Brand Awareness Campaigns — designed to help brands boost brand lift so people start to recognize the name and maybe even associate the name with a product or experience. 

    2. Content Campaigns — designed to help brands build a catalog of creative assets they can reuse for online and offline marketing. 

    3. Traffic/Clicks Campaigns – designed to help brands send traffic to a place where customers can take specific actions, usually buying something, downloading something, or joining something.

Review the following infographic from the Shelf. It shows the three types of influencer marketing campaigns that drive ROI . As well as the 18 campaign goals they help brands achieve.

Devising Influencer Marketing Campaigns
Courtesy of: The Shelf


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