All of us need to understand our roles and functions in the companies for which we work. We should want both our bosses and peers to view us in a favorable light and perceive us as great colleagues.

As Officevibe notes:

“Let’s face it, we all have been around (or have been) someone in a workplace who just doesn’t want to be there. You can see right off the bat what type of traits disengaged employees have just by talking to them in the office for a bit. Now, by definition disengaged employees are people who don’t care for their company and have no intention of helping it grow; so they can be quite harmful if they’re within your office.”

Don’t let yourself fall into the negative roles highlighted in this infographic.
13 Personality Traits Of A Disengaged EmployeeThis infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the employee engagement platform that helps managers see the ROI of company culture while making employees happier and more motivated at work.

14 Replies to “At Work, Be a GREAT Colleague”

  1. I feel like it is very important to be a good colleague in the work space. Most importantly those who work with me that feel like they know it all are by far the worst types of employees, these types of people seem to do worse in my opinion because they are hyping themselves up so much. Liars are another bad trait a colleague can have, one that is not determined can affect the environment around other employees hurting the company or firm as a whole. In sum, those employees that are friendly, determined, and focused seem to do better for themselves and the firm as a whole.

  2. Disengaged employees who bring down the rest of the team also affect the company’s bottom line. There are several infographics and statistics available that illustrate how costly employee disengagement is to an organization. For instance, on the Dale Carnegie Training (DCT) site, ( the statistics reveal that companies with engaged employees do better by 202% compared to other companies with low levels of employee engagement. The most astonishing revelation sited by on DCT is that 71% of employees are not fully engaged. This means that more than half of a company’s staff is unproductive.

    I’m not sure why these numbers are so extreme, but I suppose this is a real opportunity for organization to work on improving their profit margins. Perhaps investing on cultivating a good company culture could prove to be a cost-effective plan. However, this seems to be a well-known challenge and therefore I don’t mean to imply there is an easy fix to adopt solutions that will suddenly increase employee engagement.

    From an employee perspective, I think it’s a two-way street. Companies make investments on improving the organization’s environments and employees should be receptive, responsive, and make an effort to participate and contribute to a common, team-spirited place of work. In the end, it will become another added benefit to experience a pleasant work setting. It’s rewarding to work at a place where you’re happy.

    This month is my 25th anniversary working in the same organization. I will celebrate this anniversary at a company sponsored lunch alongside other colleagues who have been in the organization for 30 to 40 years. We’ve undergone two mergers and experienced some short-lived, shaky senior leadership, as well as other difficult times resulting from this type of transitions. The effort we put into the organization by being persistent, and staying committed has been worthwhile. I value the place where I work as it provides me with opportunities to learn, grow, and maintain long lasting friendships. But it’s important to put the effort in contributing to improvements that will sustain the good environment where you work.

  3. From workplaces that I have been to, disengaged employees do not treat themselves as a person who actually contribute to company. What they need to do is finishing what has been told and they regardless of the result. Mostly, they maybe do not understand the consequence if they do a wrong thing.

  4. Being a great colleague really transforms the workplace. If everyone focuses on being the most cooperative colleague he/she could be, employees and employers are happy with each other and the company thrives. Just one negative energy can bring the rest of the team down. When it comes down to it, work is work; even those people who love their job sometimes just do not want to be at work. That being said, I think it is essential to put a smile on your face and have a positive attitude because, whether you want to or not, you have to get through the day. Even with complete disinterest in the company, you have to get through your workday, so you might as well put effort into it. A liar, know-it-all, unenthusiastic complainer not only makes it harder on themselves to get through the day, but they lead a bad example to coworkers and make the company seem unbearable.

  5. I feel that disengaged employees are the employees that don’t often see eye-to-eye with employers, or are the type of employees that will work from 9-5pm and leave at 5pm, they try to make no effort to stay even longer to finish work or prepare for the next day, what they look forward to is the events after work, not the upcoming events at work. A job and career are different meanings. A job is done to make money, a career is done to improve and enjoy work. Disengaged employees might show the traits in the picture, but I don’t feel that it is their true personality, it is because of the bad or tense relationship between the employee and the job or employer. In these types of situations I think the employer should let go of the employee, or the employee should find themselves another career or job that they would enjoy, not go because they need money.

  6. I believe that it is very important to be a good employee in the workplace. For example, when I worked at the US Open, and people were acting rude and not being good employees it made my job much harder because I didn’t want to help them out and they would make our company look bad. In order for employees to work together their must be a good mentality among employees or else the company will have a significant amount of problems.

  7. I really agree with the points stated in this piece. The way one conducts him or herself is very important in a business. the person has to have the right attitude and mindset. One bad egg can ruin the whole bunch. All it takes is one negative nancy to throw off everyone else’s game in the workplace. The working environment needs to be conducive to proper employee functioning and happiness/satisfaction. Many times happy employees are more productive employees

  8. The points listed in this blog can be easily found in the office. They delivery negative power in the office and make the whole atmosphere disharmony. There is no doubt that these kind of people are harmful to the business. However, it is not easy to far away from them. At first, the managers should have the ability to distinguish the right and wrong. Then, the HR department had better lead a personality test before they hire the candidates. At last, the company can make a fair and comfortable working environment to make their employee feel happiness. I think after these methods the probability to meet negative employee will be decreased.

  9. This infographic is one of the best i have seen. Bad employees never want to learn and “invest in themselves”, to both become better at a particular part of their job, or to be more of use to the company for which they work for. Investing in yourself makes you into a more valuable employee for the company, and also gives you a reason to earn a higher rate of pay. Bad employees are always dispensable, non valuable assets to a company.

  10. It is of the upmost importance to be a good colleague and employee. Everyone you come in contact with during the day at work affects your mood and daily life. If you are positive, upbeat and do not gossip you will get a good reputation around the workplace. On top of that if you are a hard worker, you can easily get a promotion and move up in the company. Making the best of every situation is smart in the business world because if you can show people that you are strong, you have traits of being a good leader. This article points out all ways you shouldn’t act in the office. For instance it focuses on gossiping which destroys the team dynamic. At my old job everyone gossip. There was a rumor that two of my managers were dating which was not allowed in the company. They were both fired as a result of the gossip and were left jobless. So it is better off if people do not gossip because it destroys the team dynamic by making cliques.

  11. In my opinion the key to a successful business begins with great colleagues. When employees are happy to be at work and seem encouraged a company’s future may be limitless. However, that isn’t always the case. These 13 traits of a disengaged employee can be used as an outline when hiring new workers. If any potential employee have any of these traits it should be a clear red flag.

  12. There are still places in the corporate world where employees can just stay the same, and not to grow by choice.
    A bad employee is really hard to work with, but a manager should still find a way to get the best of those people.

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