Yesterday, we examined employee motivation by generation. Today, we look at social media habits by generation. And, as with employee motivation, social media habits vary by generation.


An Infographic View of Social Media Habits by Generation

Recently, MicroCreatives reported about social media habits by generation:

“One way that social media can be useful to your firm involves marketing and promotions. With 3.2 billion social media users globally, digital marketing may be the best way to connect with your target audience. Why? Because it can continuously influence customer interaction with your brand and other businesses.”

“In fact, social media require special marketing skills. And that applies whether you have an in-house team or prefer outsourcing. Have a marketing group that understands the implications of social media. As a rule, that will help you plan strategy relatable to your target market’s age. Align your social media content and strategies with social media habits. But understand first who is on social today. As well as how they are using it.”

“In this infographic, you will know the social media behavior and habits of each generation. Then, use it as your guide when crafting targeted social media content and messages.”

Social Media Habits by Generation


18 Replies to “Social Media Habits by Generation”

  1. It was interesting to see the data (and the fun hair visualizations) on Gen Z. Average of 8 second attention span, and most are interested in integrating virtual reality into social media (or anything in general, I guess). It seems that keeping the attention of consumers will be more difficult than ever in a few years. Unfortunately, this means more in-your-face ads. Also, virtual reality seems like it will no longer be a niche market in a few years.

  2. This blog was entertaining to read but at the same time very informative when deciding how to market to reach and target each specific generation. I am not surprised that Generation Z’ers have an average attention span of 8 seconds, how 42% of them think social media affects how they feel about themselves, and how 79% are interested in using virtual reality as a part of social media as their lives revolve heavily around both technology and social media. Therefore, companies will have to carefully and creatively post enticing material that will capture their attention and make Z’ers pay attention for more than 8 seconds. It also surprised me how tech- involved millenials are as well because I thought that Generaztion Z would be the ones to interact more with brands online, however, it is Generation Y that is in fact 2x more likely to do that.

  3. There is such a difference between baby boomers to Gen Z. So much has changed in social media the now it it was every day life revolves around. Kids are starting to get phones earlier and make accounts such as facebook, twitter and instagram at a young age. This has effects on how they see themselves because there is more access to looking at other peoples lives.

  4. It’s important for companies to market towards groups according to what social media they use. I found it interesting that Generation Z uses snapchat less than Facebook, and 67% of them use Facebook. Generation X and Millennials are using Facebook less and Instagram more, so you would think that the next generation wouldn’t use Facebook as much. Another interesting fact is that Baby Boomers won’t reach out to a brand through social, but Millennials are more likely to. That tells marketers to use another way to reach Baby Boomers, but use social media towards other generations.

  5. It’s so crazy to see the decline of Facebook among the generations. But it also makes sense. For example, I only use Facebook for clubs I’m in on campus. I spend the least amount of time on Facebook than any other social media. It was also very interesting to see that Millenial’s and Gen Z-er’s would rather companies reach out to them via email. This is an instance in which the generational gap clearly comes into play! It makes sense that Baby Boomers and Gen X-er’s don’t want the emails, they are much more private and introverted when it comes to the internet and social media. However, Millenial’s and Gen Z-er’s grew up alongside the internet and social media, so they’re more likely to be trusting, accepting, and willing to use it on a much more personal and deep level.

  6. Although Facebook is still used, it was impressive to see how much its usage declined over the years. I think it also depends on the culture. For example, I am from Colombia and “Gen Z” still uses Facebook. It might not be the most used App, but we still check Facebook regularly. It was also interesting to see how the average attention span is only 8 seconds. This means that people will be more interested in what is shown in a computer or phone. For example, Adds through social media.

  7. It is so important for companies to market towards the generation they sell to. Especially when you are looking at Gen Z people who have an 8 second attention span. Ads for these people will be completely different than ads for Baby Boomers. This information was very interesting to look at and compare how the advancement of technology has impacted the way each generation uses and even relies on it.

  8. find it surprising to know that the older generations use Facebook more than younger generations. This might be because of the users-friendly features and inclusive information provided in Facebook. Younger generations usually prefer more exclusive-to-groups application like Instagram and Snapchat. However, in terms of social-media transactions, millennials or younger generations are more likely to participate compared to older generation; this might be due to the degree of familiarity with technologies growing up.

  9. I was surprised at the high social media activity of Baby Boomers who I’d expect to be the largest market consuming traditional media. Much like traditional advertising, digital advertising has to capture the attention of target audiences and cut through all the clutter. The basic principles of advertising, and building brand loyalty, remain the same although the vehicles have changed dramatically over the last few decades. Long gone are the days of mass media. I’d be curious to hear about the impact of Instagram and Snapchat.

  10. Social media in my eyes is something which has grown rapidly since it has began. It is used by a massive amount of companies on such a global level it blows my mind. I am interested to see how it will evolve in the future i am sure it will change a lot as technology changes. Even apps like snapchat have become a major source of advertisement for people and companies! Unreal.

  11. One thing that came as a surprise to me in this article was the number of baby boomers who use Facebook. I knew that Facebook was most popular amongst this generation however, I did not expect that 93% of people in that age range were using it daily. It also doesn’t come as a surprise to me that its popularity has decreased as time has gone on because there are so many new forms of social media now a days and people seem to be only interested in the newest thing. It also doesn’t surprise me that the average attention span of generation Z is 8 seconds as people now expect immediate results as they can find anything they need to know within seconds with the internet.

  12. I found the info-graphic very interesting when it came to the statistics about each generation, especially the “baby boomers”. I did not realize that many people in that generation used social media, even spending 15.5 hours on Facebook a week. I thought the Gen Z and Y parts were accurate, other than the under Gen Z stating we have an attention span of 8 seconds. Overall It did not surprise me that every generation uses social media because it has become a huge part of society today.

  13. There is no shock to me that a lot of baby boomers use Facebook. It is a great tool for them to reconnect with older friends and peers. My generation is mostly interested in the visual aspect of social media like Snapchat and Instagram. The attention span statistic does not surprise me either, since my generation grew up on Smart phones and the Internet.

  14. This social media breakdown was so informative and easy to understand. When planning a social media strategy, it is so important that you understand your target demographic and their social media tendencies. This chart provides vital information to create a really successful social media plan for a business, that does an amazing job of reaching their brands target audience.

  15. Most of the stuff that was mentioned in this blog post was something I so happened to realize myself in my daily life. Baby boomers are in fact more likely to use facebook so that they can reconnect with old friends that they probably haven’t seen since high school or even college. The people of my generation are more visual people so instagram, tumblr, twitter is more our speed now. Very interesting read to say the least.

  16. It is not surprising that baby boomers are more likely to use facebook because it is the easiest way to connect with them. Different platforms of social media allow markets to target different generations. Ads will differentiate amongst each platform. It is also no surprise that there is an 8 second attention span because this generation is so accustomed to social media and new technology.

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