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Nintendo and the Evolving World of Video Gaming

It was less than a decade ago (November 2006) when Nintendo revolutionized the video game marketplace with its interactive — and highly successful — Wii. But, the landscape has gotten a lot more competitive since then, especially since Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect introduction.

As Nick Winfield reports for the New York Times: “Nintendo’s enemies have arrived by battalions. Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, and other inexpensive, downloadable games, particularly for cellphones and tablets, have invaded its turf. Changing tastes and technology have called into question the economics of traditional game consoles, whether from Nintendo or Microsoft, maker of the Xbox. Nintendo recently posted the first loss in its era as a video games company, a prospect that would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. And while game consoles aren’t going away, analysts are skeptical that the business will regain its former stature soon.”

Click the image to read a lot more from Wingfield.


Image by Goni Montes

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