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An Interesting New Concept: “Sympathetic Pricing”

As we have written several times before, the marketing dictionary seems to be exploding. The new term for today is sympathetic pricing.

According to, sympathetic pricing is driven by this phenomenon:

“Get ready for a wave of imaginative discounts that relieve lifestyle pain points, offer a helping hand in difficult times, or support a shared value.”

However, adds that:

“When brands claim to care about people and their everyday challenges, or about the shared problems we all face – sustainability, social responsibility, and more – most consumers think they’re just saying that. Sure, that’s a simple characterization of a complex issue, and it doesn’t apply to all consumers and every brand.”

“But countless surveys, reports, and statistics all point in the same direction: when it comes to truly caring about consumers, owning a higher purpose and generally being a more HUMAN BRAND, most people think that most brands still don’t get it.”

Click the image to read a LOT more about sympathetic pricingfrom the seller’s and the buyer’s perspectives.


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