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Questions NOT to Ask During a Job Interview

At some point during a job interview, the interviewer is likely to ask the applicant if he or she has any questions. This is can be a terrific opportunity to show your knowledge of the company, your enthusiasm about the job, and your thoughtfulness. So, don’t blow it with inappropriate questions!!! 🙁

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt of  PayScale offers her top five questions NOT to ask:

  1. “What does your company do?”
  2. “Can I do this job from home?”
  3. “How much vacation do I get?”
  4. “Do I need to work overtime?”
  5. “What’s the salary for this job?” [The pay range can be learned through research instead of asking]

In today’s vernacular, these should be considered: Duh, what were they thinking?

To read more from Hubley Luckwaldt, click the image below.


Photo Credit: nongpimmy/


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