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At Work, Be a GREAT Colleague

All of us need to understand our roles and functions in the companies for which we work. We should want both our bosses and peers to view us in a favorable light and perceive us as great colleagues.

As Officevibe notes:

“Let’s face it, we all have been around (or have been) someone in a workplace who just doesn’t want to be there. You can see right off the bat what type of traits disengaged employees have just by talking to them in the office for a bit. Now, by definition disengaged employees are people who don’t care for their company and have no intention of helping it grow; so they can be quite harmful if they’re within your office.”

Don’t let yourself fall into the negative roles highlighted in this infographic.
This infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the employee engagement platform that helps managers see the ROI of company culture while making employees happier and more motivated at work.

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