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Comparing Customer Satisfaction Assessment Tools

The level of customer satisfaction leads to customer repeat business — or abandonment. To be a leader in customer satisfaction, firms must understand how to measure it. Thus, today’s topic: comparing customer satisfaction assessment tools.

To start, look at these prior posts:


Background on Comparing Customer Satisfaction Assessment Tools

In fact, many customer satisfaction tools exist. And let’s learn about some of them.

According to Gert van Deesel, writing for CheckMarket:

“In market research. we love acronyms almost as much as the IT world does. Here are three of them: CSAT, CES and NPS®. Indeed, all three measure customer satisfaction. So what do they do? And how do they differ? Can they be used in conjunction?”

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). As a typical question: How would you rate your experience with your … (e.g. recent support requirement)? With the CSAT, the score represents the sum of respondents that answered somewhat or very satisfied.”

Customer Effort Score (CES). As a typical question: The organization made it easy for me to handle my issue. After aggregating the replies, a high average indicates that your company is making things easy for your customers.”

Net Promoter Score (NPS®). As a typical question: On a scale of 0-10 how likely would it be for you to recommend [company name] to a friend or colleague? The Net Promoter Score = % of promoters (respondents that gave a 9-10) – % of detractors (respondents that gave a 0-6)

“In some instance, these measures could stand on their own. But they can also complement each other. For example, we could imagine a survey to measure the satisfaction among attendees of a recent event. When building a feedback survey, you could ask the respondent to fill out some Customer Satisfaction scores (CSAT). And split up into different areas of the event (satisfaction about content, timing, speakers quality, location, etc.). In addition, you could ask the CES question to measure the efforts your customers needed to sign up for this event. At the end, you could ask how likely your customers are to recommend your company.”


Examples of Customer Satisfaction Assessment Tools

From HubSpot.What is Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)?”

From Relate by Zendesk. Measuring Happiness: What’s the Difference between CSAT and NPS?”

From Nice Reply. “The Ultimate 2018 Guide to Measuring Customer Satisfaction”

From Customer Guru. “BBVA Net Promoter Score 2018 Benchmarks.”

From Capterra. “Customer Satisfaction Software.”

From Glance. “Check Your Customer Experience Score–Stat!”

From Zonka. “Getting Started with Net Promoter Score Surveys.”


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