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United States Leads Global Competitiveness

As we have seen, there exist many ways to study global marketing. Today, we view how the United States leads global competitiveness. Yes, despite rough spots, the U.S. again leads.

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Global Competitiveness in 2018

In its 2018 report on global competitiveness, the World Economic Forum (WEF) “features the new Global Competitiveness Index 4.0. And this report assesses the competitiveness landscape of 140 economies. Thereby, it provides unique insight into the drivers of economic growth in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Discover the 2018 edition’s rankings, key findings, your economy’s scorecard, and much more.”

As the WEF’s Klaus Shaub notes:

“With the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), humanity entered a new phase. The 4IR became the lived reality for millions around the world. And it created new opportunities for business, government, and individuals. But, it also threatens a new polarization within and between economies and societies. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the global financial crisis. As we know, that led to social and economic consequences unmatched in recent generations. Combined with growing inequality and geopolitical flashpoints, this fuelled citizens’ concerns about globalization. And it polarized the political debate. Although global economic growth has recently been robust, it remains fragile.” 

Twelve pillars of competitiveness. In the index, 98 indicators exist. As derived from a combination of data from international organizations and World Economic Forum surveys. We organized the factors into 12 pillars in the GCI 4.0. Because they reflect the extent and complexity of the drivers of productivity. As well as the competitiveness of ecosystem. The 12: Institutions. Infrastructure. ICT adoption. Macroeconomic stability. Health. Skills. Product market. Labor market. Financial system. Market size. Business dynamism. And Innovation capability.”

To access the full 2018 report, click the image below.


United States Leads Global Competitiveness in 2018

In the WEF 2015 report, the United States ranked third globally. And it trailed Switzerland and Singapore.

For the 2018 WEF report, the United States ranked first. As shown in the following chart:

“The United States is the closest economy to the frontier, the ideal state. And that is where a country would obtain the perfect score on every component of the index. With a competitiveness score of 85.6, the U.S. remains 14 points away from the frontier mark of 100. As a result, even the top-ranked economy among the 140 can still improve. Next come Singapore (83.5) and Germany (82.8). Switzerland (82.6) lands at 4th place. Followed by Japan (82.5), Netherlands (82.4), and Hong Kong SAR (82.3). The United Kingdom (82.0), Sweden (81.7) and Denmark (80.6) round out the top ten.”

In the following chart, we see where the U.S. rates on various factors. To learn much more, click the image.

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