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It’s Tough Doing Business in Russia

With a population of nearly 145 million, Russia is a desirable market for many companies. But government rules keep making this tougher.

Let’s consider the recent decision of FedEx, UPS, and DHL to stop making deliveries to individuals in Russia due to tightened regulations.

As reported by Andrew E. Kramer for the New York Times:

“Neither snow nor rain can stop the mail – unless you are in Russia, a country with a lot of both and bureaucracy, too. The legal requirements to deliver a package in Russia have become so onerous that several major express delivery services including FedEx, United Parcel Service and DHL announced this week that they have halted all shipments of goods addressed to individuals.”

“A letter to clients from the association said the companies would deliver to companies as before. But individuals could receive no packages, only documents. ‘The service we provide to our clients is speed, quality and reliability in full compliance with local legislation,’ the statement said. ‘The new rules make it impossible.’”

Click the map of Russia to read more of Kramer’s story.



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