What are the hottest social media marketing tools today? Given the importance of social media marketing, addressing that question is imperative. And the topic of this post.

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Twenty of the Hottest Social Media Marketing Tools of 2018

Recently, Design Wizard asked almost 125 social media marketers for their choice of the best tools to use.

According to Design Wizard:

“We decided to ask some of the best social media marketers in the world, which tools they use, and the answers that we got were very surprising. In fact, the ‘tool’ that got the most votes isn’t necessarily known as a social media marketing tool at all. It’s almost a Swiss army knife. Why? Because it’s got so many uses. And it combines data from all of the different platforms and traffic sources. Yes the tool that just over half of our experts chose as their number one tool for social media marketing, is Google Analytics. Another surprise was in the number of people who chose Facebook Live as one of their go-to marketing tools. Facebook is advocating for video more often, and one of the last places on the platform where businesses can still benefit from organic reach is through Facebook Live.”

“Of the ‘actual’ social media marketing tools on the list, the highest rated was Buzzsumo. Which isn’t much of a surprise when you consider that the tool has so many uses. And it really gives you a pulse of what’s going on in your niche. It sees what kind of posts are being shared and who is sharing them. As well as that, you can identify influencers to build relationships with in the hope of amplifying your content and/or your business.”

Now, look at Design Wizard’s top twenty social media marketing tools.


Hottest Social Media Marketing Tools

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