Now that our shopping is over, we should enjoy the end of the year. Let’s visit with family and friends over the next several days. But, please be aware and careful. Stay safe this holiday season.

And remember: “Customer Service Means a Good Return Policy.”


Stay Safe This Holiday Season: Better Manage Stress

Yes, this time of year can be stressful. Because of several factors. Seeing relatives you don’t get along with. Worrying about money. Looking back on things not accomplished this year. And fretting about what’s ahead in 2018.

Consider these observations from True Stress Management:

“When the holiday bell goes off, yearly traditions come to play. With them comes a long list of tasks to accomplish. Whether it’s hosting family members and friends to catch up. Or entertaining, cleaning up, buying gifts, or merely attending all the parties going on, demands can be overwhelming. If you aren’t careful, you can invite holiday stress into your home and end up becoming more like Scrooge than Jolly Saint Nick.”

These are some stress indicators. Followed by tips to reduce stress.

Stay Safe This Holiday Season. Holiday Stress Symptoms.

True Stress Management Offers seven tips:

  1. Plan Ahead.
  2. Make a Budget and Stick to It.
  3. Scale Down Expectations and Live One Day at a Time.
  4. Be Kind to Treat Yourself (Not Just Others).
  5. Accept Your Anxiety and Holiday Stress.
  6. Take Some Time for Yourself.
  7. Be Grateful for What You Have.


Stay Safe This Holiday Season: Eat Healthy

Because this is a festive time, we may be tempted with unhealthy food. Or with overeating. So, be careful with your holiday eating traditions.

According to the Cleveland Clinic:

“Research studies show that most adults gain some weight over the holidays. But don’t despair. This year can be different! Here are some great ways to enjoy the holidays without adding pounds. View our infographic. And read about the tips in detail.”

Stay Safe This Holiday Season: Be Careful in Your Eating


Stay Safe This Holiday Season: Beware Over-Celebrating Drivers

We know that holidays may bring out bad driving behavior.  So be particularly careful yourself. And always encourage others who have celebrated too much to use designated drivers.

PLEASE take a good look at the infographic from SCRAM Systems.

Stay Safe This Holiday Season: Watch Out for Bad Drivers

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