Over the years, Apple has revolutionized the smartphone industry — sometimes, with great advances from model to model; and other times, with more modest changes.

According to Statista:

“Since its introduction in 2007, Apple’s iPhone sales have consistently increased, going from around 40 million units sold in 2010 to more than 230 million iPhones sold in 2015 alone. iPhone sales worldwide generated more than 155 billion U.S. dollars in revenues in 2015. As sales increased, the iPhone gained space within the company, and has become the most successful Apple product to date. “

“The iPhone’s share of the company’s total revenue has jumped from about 25 percent in the beginning of 2009 to around 70 percent in the first quarter of 2015. As of the first quarter of 2016 (4Q ’15 calendar year), iPhone’s share of Apple’s revenue was at 68 percent, the third highest figure to date. Much of the iPhone’s success can be attributed to Apple’s ability to keep the product competitive throughout the years, with new releases and updates.”

Here’s an interesting video that shows how the iPhone has evolved over the years across several attributes.


13 Replies to “A Post for iPhone Loyalists”

  1. From watching this video, it is truly incredible how far iPhones have come in just 9 years! The comparison of speed or picture quality from the older phones to the newer ones is amazing. That being said, I think that it is not so good that older phones are beating the newer phones in other ways. These phones should be improving in every aspect with all the money that people do spend on them. I know that can be easier said then done, but it should be a truly improved model when Apple releases the product.

  2. Can’t believe iPhone7+ used the most time for rebooting.
    I have two iPhones, iPhone 4 and iPhone 6. I am not a fanatic fan of Apple, so I will only replace and update my cell phone when I find it is too slow to run Apps. Somebody can’t imagine that I used iPhone 4 for five years.
    Also, one point about the revenue made by iPhone I want to clarify that iPhone, actually, is just a device platform. The bigger industry is Intellectual property products such as App Store, iTunes, Apple Music. These fields still contain a huge potential market though they have brought benefits to Apple.

  3. It is so interesting to find that iPhone 7 is not good at every aspects. I used Samsung 3 years ago, and then changed to iPhone, now I could state that i do not want to use other phones anymore. As a customer, i accept that iPhone has some aspects that not better than previous, but from the first iPhone to 7 plus, it became better and better. As a marketer, i think that they could focus on several improvements such as camera, to advertise the new iPhone. I still think Apple is a real great company and value it very much.

  4. Personally, it actually does not surprise me that Apple strikes the cell phone market and takes the lion’s share. I began to use cell phones 10 years ago, ignoring the development of technology, iPhones are the best phones I have ever used. The mainly reason is because I can get great user experience from it. I have used htc for a while, but it went slower and slower during the one year. However, iPhone4 did not go slower in one year, which really surprised me.

  5. It is intriguing to see the enormous progression that the IPhone has made in just under a decade. Holistically the IPhone 7/7+ is the newest and most technologically advanced IPhone on the market. However, the startup and touch ID tests took my by surprise. I was under the impression that both the 7/7+ would turn on and the open to the home screen first, but that was not the case for either situation. The clarity of the photos are impressive and I think that this challenges the field of photography and the fact that photographers might have to expand upon their skillset. Apple is still a great product despite some of these tests that might have consumers begin to question the device.

  6. It is easy to see that iphone has change the world. For the market share, China and north America have dominated the marketplace in recent ten years. You can see that everyone walking on the street has a iphone in their hands. Now iphone pay more attention to their App Store, iTunes, Apple Music, which have a great potential to develop in the near future.

  7. I found this article extremely interesting, it is crazy to see how fast the iPhone advanced in such a short amount of time, but a few of the facts surprised me. Some of the older phones work just as well as the new ones but people will still wait in line for hours to make sure they have the newest one. I am still impressed with all the features and applications Apple has added since the first phone and it makes me curious to see what else they will come up with.

  8. I found it very interesting to see how fast the IPhone has evolved. I remember when I initially heard about the first iPhone not many people owned it. It was a new product that was just as good as any other phone out there. Now Apple’s IPhone is one of the largest brands of phones out there. If you take a look around, most people have an IPhone and it is crazy to think about the popularity it has now compared to when Apple first introduced the first IPhone.

  9. The most interesting part of the video was how long it took to turn on the phone after it was off. Surprisingly the newest iPhone model took 8th place out of 15. What I can say from experience is that I switched over from the Samsung Note to the iPhone 2 years ago and the speed and quality of the phone was much better. There were some differences with the phone, but the battery didn’t overheat as much and the speed of opening applications was much quicker. I also had an old iPod touch and have actually tried playing with both and realized the vast differences between the two in speed and quality. Apple has been and is still going above and beyond with their technology.

  10. I have to say I am surprised. The most important function that make its competitors, SAMSUNG, be outstanding is its quality of camera and its various and user-friendly functions. Due to its various functions, SAMSUNG phones cost longer performance time. so no credit for its cool functions. Now two factors – Apple come up with better camera and the resent big issues occurred to Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7, made Apple to be top one.

    The raising Chinese mobile companies also doing great. With low cost and basic function, a lot of companies choose the phones from these raising companies as their company’s contact phone.

  11. Honestly, every time i upgrade my iPhone, Apple releases a newer version. It is truly remarkable to witness how we all comply to the continuous advancements of the iPhone. I am an avid iPhone user, and I can say this truthfully because I had a Samsung before my first iPhone. I liked the Samsung, but at the time it was too advanced for my basic needs. About 6 years ago, iPhones had very basic applications, whereas Samsung’s standard apps were more advanced and varied. For this reason, I switched to the iPhone. Now, however, the iPhone keeps progressing and advancing in order to keep their distance in ranking. The iPhone 7’s camera quality is almost as good as my Canon… and I’m not sure if thats amazing or sad. No matter what anyone says, I truly believe that Apple has proven that they can give the customers anything they want and more. Samsung may be a great competitor, but nothing will compare with the incredible, and continuing, improvements of the iPhone.

  12. I learned some surprising facts I did not know before. Personally, I have an iPhone and am pleased with the phone. It is interesting to see the evolution of the iPhone and how its evolved in the short 9 years it has been around. It is also important to notice how Apple has not drastically redesigned the iPhone in recent years but is still able to create massive demand and increase profits with the release of every model. It goes to show how great their marketing is because they are able to convince consumers and have grown a loyal consumer base.

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