About this time each year, a number of well-known, reliable sources produce their forecasts for the  following year.

Bloomberg (via its Bloomberg Businessweek) has just published its “The Year Ahead 2016” issue. Here is a video overview of the year ahead. It is followed by a link to the 50 companies to watch in 2016. Just click the chart to see an online discussion of the 50 companies covered.




6 Replies to “Bloomberg 2016 Forecasts”

  1. i extremely believe that the forecast of these giant companies are useful for big invest and finance firms, but for our individual ones whether we have abilities to analyze these information and find some key points about next year economy condition is a huge obstacle. Anyway, I still think these information in the video will give us some new and proactive thought !

  2. I Believe that interest rates will not be increased, not even for the next 2 years. Instead they will be decreased in the next year. The economy has been doing well like how it is compared to prior years. Also, talking about the big companies infrastructure like apple in china, there is huge problem like they said. China has a lot of other companies that have an incredible competitive advantage. They create technology substantially and is really hard for apple to get up to their standard. Apple also is experiencing the launching of a lot of fraudulent stores that sell counterfeited apple products, and that give apple an extreme downturn in sales.
    Exxon in the other hand is being affected by experiencing a change in management, and in addition we see how oil is becoming less interesting. There is not too much oil to be extracted in the world and companies are focusing better yet in nonrenewable energy as a substitute due to the fact to the diminishing of oil.

  3. I believe that these analysts have researched enough that the points they’re presented are fairly plausible. However the market has been shown to be pretty volatile, as we can see the price of oil has increased and dropped a lot over the past couple of years, who’s to say that these things are set in stone. I do believe however that marketing in China for I-phones will see a large growth in apple as the market their is so enormous compared to the one at home.

  4. I strongly believe Bloomberg’s research is precise, from apple’s forecast, it is true that China contribute too much for Apple in 2015. iPhone plays unshakable role in Chinese consumer and this will continue for next few years, but Apple still face a bottleneck, it rely too much on iPhone’s market share, as report said Apple needs a new category as a new growth point, like smart wearable. As a customer, i am looking forward to the new products will be developed not matter by Apple or any other companies.

  5. I agree to the comment from Bloomberg video that China is still a growing market for apple. Based on their analysis, Chinese middle class have a strong purchase intention in luxury and fashion products. I think Apple matches the trend that middle class people are buying luxury products and at the same time avoiding showing off. Apple’s subtle and simple design language meets the trend of China better than other luxury brands. For example, I know many middle class people in China now prefer small or hidden logo of luxury products than before.

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