Our marketing dictionary keeps growing — in this case, we’re talking about consumer typologies. Among them are the Greatest Generation (born 1925-1945), Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Baby Busters (born 1965-1975), MTV Generation (1975-1985), Generation X (encompassing Baby Busters and MTV Generation), Generation Y — also known as Millennials (1985-1995), and Generation Z (born 1995-2007).

Now, that the oldest Generation Zers are adults, it is time to pay more attention to this emerging market segment.

One firm that has studied Generation Z in depth is sparks & honey, which has been selected by Advertising Age  as one of the Top Ten Agencies to Watch for 2014.

According to sparks & honey:

“Marketers have been focused on Gen Y (a.k.a. Millennials) for more than a decade. In fact, Millennials are the most researched generation in history! But Gen Z is different from the Millennial generation. In many ways, Gen Zers are the opposites or extreme versions of Millennials and marketers need to adjust to them. We are just beginning to understand Gen Z and its impact on the future.”

Check out the sparks & honey slideshow on Generation Z. Be ready for the future! It is here now.


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