15 Replies to “Is Your Resume Too Boring?”

  1. This is unbelievably helpful and spot on. So many of my friends have resumes that need major tweaking and in some cases, mine as well. Part of my mother’s job is to review resumes for opening positions and she always tells me about the ones she sees and what stands out. I don’t think prospective workers realize how much their resume matters sometimes, and that it isn’t always just about what you have written on it, but how you present it. Great post!

  2. This post was very informative and a great read, but the first point that is addressed still brings about problems for me. I have heard many guidance counselors, professors, and even human resource managers tell me that an objective, or even a personal branding statement, is a waste of time. They have argued that it takes up space that could instead be used for elaborating more on your experiences. They’ve said that the employer technically already knows your objective, which is to apply for the specific job you have submitted an application to. Of course, several professors have also told me that objectives are essential on a resume. It’s very interesting to hear the arguments from both sides.

  3. It feels like every article one reads about a resume always has conflicting points. Depending on who your talking to or what article you read, some may suggest improvements while others say they are needless or a waste of space. While this article does seem to have a lot of helpful points in creating a strong resume, I think a resume mostly relies on who’s looking at it. It seems some interviewers prefer some types of resumes over others, and while I hate to say it, I think a lot of the current job process is luck, and just having interviewers that click well with you.

  4. The article was interesting and useful, it provides a good framework for how to write one correctly. It emphasizes the importance of standing out to a potential employer and distinguishing yourself from the pack. It stresses on the hard skills you have acquired from experience and how to trim the fat off by not using generic terms. after reading the article it makes me look with contempt at my own resume, an update is due shortly.

  5. Well, I now know that I have a very boring resume. The tip that stuck out the most to me was the one about the use of generic terms. I’m pretty sure that most people my age have resumes that include the words detail-oriented, strong work ethic, etc. These terms will not help me stand out to prospective employers. Also, I had no idea that including an objective in your resume isn’t the best idea and completely overdone. However, after reading the class article about marketing and branding oneself, I know how to include a self-branding statement in my resume when applying for an internship or job. These tips were extremely helpful, but I will have to look up concrete examples for each point to completely enhance my resume.

  6. Well, I now know I have a very boring resume. However, these tips were extremely helpful, though they didn’t provide concrete examples for each point. The piece of advice that stuck out the most to me was the comment about generic terms. I’m sure most people my age included terms like detail-oriented, strong work ethic, etc. in their resumes. These terms don’t allow people to stand out to their prospective employers. Also, I had no idea that including an objective in your resume is outdated and unneeded. After reading the class article about marketing oneself and self-branding, I know how to include a self-brand statement, which I will certainly take advantage of this and further enhance my resume.

  7. I feel like my resume is really boring, so these tips in making my resume better will definitely help. Some of these tips they tell you at the career center if you go and get your resume critiqued. They say that a resume is only about a page long so that is challenging to pick what is most important, or what would stand out the most to a employer.

  8. The Career Center is very helpful in helping a student create and support resumes. In the real world, the Career Center may not be available to everyone due to location or time distances. It is essential for everyone to take advice from other people, especially sites that specialize in helping and those that are specialized in creating resumes like Ms. Hernandez.

  9. I believe that my resume might be a little boring, but using some of these tips then getting my resume critiqued by authority, they still will make me change it. One major point that stood out to me in the slides was the fact that objectives are outdated. I did not know that and everytime I give my resume for critique, they always change it and broaden it. I think that this article helped a lot and the slides taught me some things that I can do to make my resume a little more not boring even though older people may disagree, since they still use there old boring format when editing students resumes.

  10. I agree with the comments about contradicting information. I have talked to professors, employers, guidance counselors, and more and I always get contradicting information. One thing is that I use an objective but I tailor it to the job at hand. I also do this for “additional information” area where I add Soft Skills but I was under the impression that this was similar to key words. For example if part of the requirements for the job is “excellent communication skills” I may add that to my resume. I will see how I can change this. Other than that I am happy to say, I feel comfortable with my resume.

  11. This post was very helpful especially because now is a great time to apply for internships and jobs for the summer and fall. This convinced me to revamp my resume so that I can try to stand out to prospective employers. This post was very interesting and it had a lot of great tips.

  12. Like everyone else already said, this article is extremely beneficial to students or even people looking for new jobs in life. It gives great tips on how to stand out, but I personally believe it is a lot harder than it sounds. The article talked about generic format for resumes, but there is a very, very thin line of format change that is acceptable. Business people want professional, not always creative. Coming up with completely new formats for your resume can negatively affect how the potential employer views you. It is also important for the person making the resume to figure out what is important to include and what to leave out. Nobody wants to waste time reading about things that just do not matter.

  13. Coming from someone who is in the middle of writing their resume, I can say that it is extremely stressful and difficult; so when I saw this post, I had to check it out. These tips were very helpful because they were easy fixes that can make a huge difference. I recommend everyone to read the original article through the link posted on the last slide.

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