As we’ve reported before, many people LOVE their smartphones. And the use of smartphones is still growing.

Take the case of music. As eMarketer reports: “More than one in five Americans will listen to music on their mobile phones this year, after usage nearly doubled in 2012. Listening to music on their phones is now a regular activity for more than 70 million people in the US, and double-digit growth is expected to continue through 2015, when well over a third of all mobile phone users will participate.” By 2017, eMarketer predicts that nearly 110 million people in the United States alone will listen to music on their smartphones.

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3 Replies to “Music Streaming Booms on Smartphones”

  1. The use of ones phones over “iPods” is becoming very popular. Being able to use a single device to utilize both music and “phone” is very appealing. The less electronics people have to carry with them, the better! Personally, I have not used an MP3 player is quite some time. All my music is played off my phone. It is easier and efficient. Apps such as “Pandora” and “Spotify” make it extremely easy to listen to music, even if it isn’t downloaded on your device. This infographic doesn’t surprise me at all, and my guess is that it will only increase.

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