Google Analytics offers a variety of easy-to-use statistical tools to those interested in monitoring their Web traffic: “Google Analytics not only lets you measure sales and conversions, but also gives you fresh insights into how visitors use your site, how they arrived on your site, and how you can keep them coming back.”

Now, Google Analytics is even more powerful. As Tina Courtney-Brown reports for Site Pro News: “It’s common sense that aggregate data is meaningless in its raw form; to find the value, you must see the stories that the data are attempting to tell. Thanks to recent filter additions and updates, Google Analytics now gives site owners the ability to slice and dice their audience metrics all the more. The more you fully grasp how, when, where, and why your users are engaging with your content, the more you can grow your business and give the people what they want. Take a little time to get up to speed on the new Google Analytics features and amp up your site-building know-how.”

Click the Google Analytics image to read more from Courtney-Brown.



3 Replies to “Enhancements to Google Analytics”

  1. In my opinion the more statistical analysis that someone can put into websites, the better. The more information one has about where their viewers are coming from, what social media sites their website is popular with, etc. are all ways that one can attempt to target more traffic for their website. If someone understands that they are only prominent on some social media sites they can then work on other social media and develop a more prominent website in turn.

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