As baseball fans are well aware, the batter is out after three strikes. But the new rules of the online copyright game allow six strikes — with increasing penalties for each.

Here’s how the new U.S. rules work, according to Andrea Eldridge — writing for Business 2 Community:

“Even if you aren’t personally involved in illegal content sharing, account holders are responsible for the actions of anyone on their network.  Program participants hope that receipt of a warning will encourage account holders to take measures to restrict unauthorized activity on their network by talking to household members, limiting unauthorized access by encrypting their WiFi network, and/or installing software or hardware to block access to peer-to-peer sites…”

“The last week of February 2013 marked the official launch of the Copyright Alert System, a joint program between major internet service providers, aka ISPs (AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Cablevision, and Time Warner) and entities working to protect content copyrights, such as the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).  This system is also known as the ‘Six Strikes’ Anti-Piracy Program since users suspected of participating in the sharing of copyright-protected material will receive up to six warning notices from their ISP, with escalating consequences for repeat offenders.”

Click the image for more of Eldredge’s story.



Post suggested by KCJ


9 Replies to “Six Strikes and You’re ???”

  1. It seems like every year there is a new attempt to stop things like file sharing or pirating music or movies. So I have to think eventually they will be successful in getting something to work. I definitely understand the point of view of the MPAA and RIAA in wanting to put a stop to file sharing, but at the same time I can’t say I don’t do it often.

  2. It’s quite shocking how someone can be given 6 strikes for a crime before facing severe punishment. Downloading copyrighted material should be punishable since the original authors lose credability of their work. However, I’m guilty myself, as I download music, so I’m glad that the punishment isn’t too extreme.

  3. I am guilty of downloading music and movies off of sites too. I don’t see how they would be able to catch everyone that is doing it. It has basically become a normal thing for people to do. I am actually interested to see if this actually happens or works I should say.

  4. Its fair to wonder just how effective this new “six strikes” system will be. I can remember file sharing since I was 10 years old, and it has always seemed relatively easy to get away with. Although I can sympathize with the people who are losing money because of it, I don’t feel punishments for offenders should be very severe.

  5. You can’t stop anybody but the “leechers” from pirating. This has no bearing on people who are capable with TOR or a VPN, or people who download music using one of those YT-to-MP3 conversion sites for audio, or people who watch movies streamed online from any of the popular sites. What they should be going after is the root of the problem, the lack-luster encoding and security flaws that are causing the ease of access to these things.

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