In the United States, Millennials (those born between 1981 and 2000) are more digitally active than Generation Xers (born between 1965 and 1980) and Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964).

Click the eMarketer chart below to see how digital use differs for the three different consumer segments.


7 Replies to “Millennials in the Digital Era”

  1. These charts provided in this article are great resources for business owners. Business owners can use these charts to justify the reason to be marketing on the internet. It will also help by making ads to elderly people more appealing. The question now is how to make social media more easily accessible for older people.

  2. We’ve reached a technological era where mostly everyone should be able to use the internet no matter how old you are. This chart is a good eye opener for those older generations who are not taking advantage of the internet and what it has to offer. We must figure out how to make it easier for the elder generations to use the internet and its available resources because it will benefit them in the long run by joining the Millenial society.

  3. These graphs help to explain the use of technology of the older generation. Over the passed few years, the use of technology has increased greatly. Because of technology there have been many improvements, and findings in daily life. As the generations become older, the users of technologies decrease. There should be ways to teach the older generations how to use technologies, and social networking. There should be more lessons, or classes to teach the older generations how to use certain technologies.

  4. It is interesting to see the number of people who have access to the Internet and social medias out of the population of Milennials. Being part of the Milennials group ourselves, it is very apparent how much the Internet plays a role in our lives. The older generations grew up in a time where technology wasn’t so prevalent, explaining why they aren’t as digitally active.

  5. There’s no denying that our generation (Milennials), make up the highest percentage of Internet users. However, it is surprising how many millions of Gen Xers and baby boomers use the Internet. It just goes to show that the Internet is used at any age. My parents are not as tech savvy as I am, but they both have smart phones and use the Internet at least once a day. In the future, our generation will increase in Internet use, but the future generations will probably be more advanced than us with the Internet.

  6. These graphs accurately show how different generations adapt to new technologies that become available to them. With the farthest generation back, the boomer generation, using new technologies the least. Most people in this generation category have no reason to use new technologies or have no want to learn them because they view it too difficult to learn. The next generation, Generation Xers, use new technologies more than the boomer generation because they have more of a want to learn them and in many times in business they adapt to new technologies giving them a need to learn the new technology. And then the millenial generation are more digitally active because they have grown up with all these new emerging technologies. This is always the cycle of generations and technology. The older the generation the less likely they are to want to learn and use new technologies.

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