WordPress is the leading provider of blogging software and site hosting. It is a free service that offers some premium features that can be purchased. WordPress is extremely easy to use — and it powers this blog. Click here for a brief tutorial that I wrote last year.

Here’s an infographic highlighting some interesting WordPress facts.


Post suggested by KCJ


5 Replies to “WordPress at 10 Years Out”

  1. This article was very informative. I am not up to par with most people on social media networking, nor am I an internet shopper. I was not aware of WordPress prior to reading this article. I took the tutorial and found it very user friendly and engaging. It is quite easy to set up your own blog and business on this site. It is so worthwhile to take these tutorials and learn about the technology that exists today. It is outstanding how easy it is to set up your own business or interest and communicate with the world.

  2. I thought it was interesting to describe WordPress as extremely easy to use because that wasn’t my experience. It might be because I used Blogger for my first blog and you didn’t have to give much thought to setting it up and using it at all. When I had to make another blog I went on WordPress and then switched back to Blogger. The one thing I can say is it has nicer templates. Perhaps I will give it another try some day.

  3. I first learned about WordPress last semester. In my online journalism class, we had to make a WordPress blog. At first, I found the site confusing, but soon learned how to manage it. I am still learning new tricks, and your tutorial really helped me out. I didn’t know that top brands such as CNN, Forbes, Ebay and Sony are all powered by WordPress. It’s surprising that I haven’t heard of this site before considering it is almost 10 years old! As a journalism major, this website is very useful and I plan to continue to use it and grow as a blogger.

  4. In just 10 years, WordPress has established a standard in online web media. It’s an impressively system that is versatile, but easy to use for viewers to gain accessibility to content and post comments. I look forward to the next 10 years and what system sets a new standard for online media.

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