Employees who interface with consumers can have a tremendous impact on the customer experience and customer satisfaction, which even giant firms such as Google have learned. Therefore, employee morale is quite important.

As Jeff Fermin reports for Officevibe:

“When you go into work, how often are you being given advice or feedback from your management? The tayloristic [old-fashioned] approach is to give employees the task and expect them to succeed. They do the same thing over and over and the paycheck is the reward. No questions asked. However, we have advanced in workplaces since the early 1900’s. Labor and productivity has increased, but unfortunately, happiness and communication between management and employees, has been on the decline, till now.”

“HR managers are [now] using advanced metrics and data to better their office [work environment]. HR Analytics has been a new craze that people are using in order to get better feedback from their employees. But before we can improve, we have to look at what’s wrong. So here are some important statistics on employee feedback.”

11 Remarkable Statistics About The Importance Of Employee Feedback (INFOGRAPHIC)


14 Replies to “The Keys to Employee Feedback and Motivation”

  1. It is important to make every person feel important even by doing little things. Not only giving sufficient feedback, but also even just recognizing how they feel, what they are wearing, and applauding them when they do outstanding work. Many people feel like they are worth more if you give them individualized attention, or at least I do. The statistics in this study overall back my opinion.

  2. These statistics on employee feedback are extremely important for both employees and employers to view. I am a firm believer in the concept that treating employees very well will translate into satisfied customers and a successful business. In my job now, I make it a priority on my daily agenda to sit with all of my employees and talk to them. Even if they have nothing pertaining to the business to discuss, I believe that letting them know that I care will have a positive impact on the way they go about their day, positively effecting my business. These statistics are very accurate and truly explain the reason why employees need to be treated well in our modern way of business practice.

  3. Managers should communicate with their employees more often, not only to give them feedbacks, also to know more about their daily life. This is the best way to know your employees, which is very helpful in assigning tasks. Moreover, it makes the manager a very caring person. Employees is more likely to work hard for a caring person. They want their efforts to be seen.

  4. It is definitely important for employees to receive feedback from their supervisors on the work they do. I personally think this allows employees to feel useful because they will be constantly reminded that the work they do is actually making an impact on their company. This will result in improved employee performance. The figure presented in the post supports this, as it states that “43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback at least once a week,” and “65% of employees said they wanted more feedback.” In addition, this positivity can then trickle down the company hierarchy and eventually lead to more satisfied customers.

  5. As humans, we always want to feel appreciated and feel good about ourselves. In my management class, my professor said that there is many studies that show that positive feedback from managers encourage their employees to work harder. This is a more successful tactic than negative feedback, where managers scold their employees for “bad” work. The statistic that shocked me the most was that 98% of employees will fail to be engaged when managers give little/no feedback, because I didn’t know the number would be that high. Clearly, managers should be giving more feedback to their employees to keep them engaged, focused, and on-task.

  6. I think this post has incredibly valuable information for not only managers and employees, but people in general. In a work place, offering positivity and encouragement in addition to constructive criticism can be a large factor in keeping employees happy and motivated to do their work. However, this lesson can also be applied to schools or parenting, as this information suggests that recognition of effort and feedback on performance can lead to not only a better atmosphere at a work place or school, but also encouraged and hard working people.

  7. I think it’s so interesting how the process of giving employee feedback and improving an office’s work environment, has become so analytical. When I saw that 39% of employees report that they don’t feel appreciated at work, my heart sank; that makes me scared to grow up and be a professional. Everyone only has one life to live and those that do their job properly should be rewarded, even if it’s just by their boss going out of their way to tell them they did a good job. The other astonishing percentage was 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized. No one is perfect, but whomever puts in effort at work, deserves proper credit.

  8. Even though some managers don’t realize but their employees are the reason for their success in the store. I agree with these statistics that the more you motivate them by giving feedback, the more productivity you’ll get out of your employees. My current job at Office of Student Leadership and Engagement always motivates us workers by throwing small breakfast parties every once in a while or having a cake for someone’s birthday or even the simple “I really appreciate your hard work at the office” keeps us going. It allows us to feel welcomed at work and that we belong here.

  9. Whether it is in the workplace or on a team an employee or a team players morale is very important. People want to feel good about themselves. If you feel good about yourself that good feeling transfers to your customers. It becomes contagious. My parents say you spend more time at work then at home so enjoy what you do. I also believe your boss can make or break your experience

  10. Overall, human beings like to feel as if they have a purpose and a sense of individualized meaning. Employees need to be treated with respect and care to feel they are not only needed but wanted by a business as well. Managers need to provide this type of treatment for two reasons, one dealing with ethics and the other for the company’s success. As we previously discussed in class, ethics is not only part of the business world but should be intertwined into everyday life. Thus, from a moralistic perspective, it is essential that an employer shows his/her appreciation for the presence of that specific employee. Additionally, even purely for economical reasons and aid to a flourishing company, these statistics reveal that a employee translates their satisfaction he/she feels from his/her boss and displays that adoration to his/her customers. Hence it is a win-win situation in which leads to a more thriving company and personal temperament at all expenses.

  11. I totally agree with this article, particularly the part about employees working harder when they receive recognition. During my summer job, by manager was usually in a terrible mood and always yelling at people and only pointing out things people did wrong, but in a non-patient manner. The few times she would talk to new employees in a positive way, I would notice them working harder instead of feeling put down all of the time. Just in the few summer months I saw employees come and go. When I visited one of my coworkers over Thanksgiving break, he informed me that they are leaving even quicker now, one had even quit on their first day! It just goes to show that the employee-manager relationship has a big effect on the atmosphere of the workplace and should be taken seriously.

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