7 Replies to “100 Tips to Make Your Resume Better”

  1. Knowing what your resume is about will keep it concise. You should show your most notable achievements/qualifications in order to draw attention to your resume. Clear resumes which get to the point and show exactly why a candidate is qualified will get a closer review by a company, especially if there are one or more uncommon skills listed. Knowledge of the company and of yourself can only increase your employment chances.

  2. Creating a resume can be just as intimidating as going on a job interview. It is important to include your best attributes and qualities without being wordy and including unnecessary information. I agree that knowledge about the company may improve opportunities, and a strong and clear objective can show one’s eagerness to become a part of the company. Along with major resume details, little details such as the font, paper, and titles, as mentioned in the tips, can impact the employer’s view of a potential employee.

  3. Making a resume is very stressful the first time you do it. In essence you are presenting your best self to someone else, or a group of people. Getting rid of any unnecessary information helps to keep you resume clean and concise. I do not know if a agree with putting your age on the resume. I feel that information like that will clutter your resume.

  4. Creating a resume is an important part of the job interview. This essential piece of paper should contain any relevant information on work experience related to the specific job first. I agree that one should focus on the positive qualities and avoid using any negative attributes. By keeping your resume as concise as possible will help with representing the most important information about yourself which will also help keep your resume organized.

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